Presidential Task Force on Jewish Inclusion and the Prevention of Antisemitism

“Antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities.”
Definitions of antisemitism:
Working definition of antisemitism
Defining antisemitism
Days of Remembrance
April 4-11 2021: Days of Remembrance are the nation’s annual commemoration of the Holocaust. Please check the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum for observances and remembrance activities.
We stand firmly in fearlessly fighting hate and violence.
March 2021: Our Task Force is grieving the loss of 19 innocent people killed in two horrific attacks that took place over the last several days. We stand firmly, hand in hand, with the CSU Asian American and Pacific Islander community and with our neighbors and colleagues in the Boulder community in fearlessly fighting hate and violence. See President McConnell’s message and the resources noted within.
International Holocaust Remembrance Day
Jan. 27, 2021: International Holocaust Remembrance Day commemorates the tragedy of the genocide that occurred during the Second World War.
Task Force Background and Description
Colorado State University is committed to equity, inclusion, diversity and social justice that embraces differences and celebrates commonalities across identities and communities. In response to antisemitic acts on the CSU campus as well as an alarming national and global increase in antisemitism, an Action Plan for the Prevention of Antisemitism at CSU was introduced to the university in multiple instances, including to the President in a special meeting with the Jewish community and in the Diversity Symposium in Fall 2019. This work was also covered by the media (see: Coloradoan, Collegian). The Action Plan was submitted to the CSU Race, Bias and Equity Initiative and a Presidential task force was recommended as a first step.
The Presidential Task Force on Jewish Inclusion and the Prevention of Antisemitism was established in June 2020. By creating this Task Force, CSU is redoubling its efforts to create a more Jewish-inclusive campus, confront and prevent antisemitism at the university, educate the broader CSU community on the rich diversity and history of those who identify as Jewish, and provide support for Jews and others.
The Task Force is co-chaired by Dr. Carolin Aronis (CSU Special Advisor on Prevention of Antisemitism and a Research Fellow in the Department of Communication Studies) and Dr. Mica Glantz (Professor of Anthropology, Chair of the Department of Anthropology and Geography and Interim Chair of the Department of Ethnic Studies). It includes faculty, staff, and student leaders from Hillel, Chabad, several academic departments, the office of the Vice President for Diversity, Housing and Dining Services, the Career Center, and a representative of the Fort Collins community. In the Summer and Fall of 2020 the Task Force was co-chaired by Dr. Aronis and Dr. John Henderson (Assistant Dean of Students and Director of Parent and Family Programs in the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs).
The Task Force began their work in June 2020 and meets twice a month for 90 minutes. Task Force’s charge from President McConnell
Reports will be provided in August and October 2020, and in February and April 2021. In December 2020 a preliminary recommendation will be presented, and in June 2021 the Task Force will submit an in-depth report with recommendations that will provide a roadmap to institutional and systemic change specific to preventing antisemitism and promoting and supporting a Jewish-inclusive campus.
“This task force is absolutely aligned with CSU’s commitment to equity and inclusion. Sadly, we all know of incidents that speak to the persistent and painful power of antisemitism in our community. For me, this was driven home by a student who told me that her mother didn’t want her wearing her Star of David necklace on campus because she was afraid for her daughter. No one should have to think twice about denying any part of their heritage or identity as a member of the CSU community. We’ve created a task force because we feel a shared sense of urgency to address these issues through action that produces demonstrable, lasting change.”
-President Joyce McConnell