Speeches and Writing
Academic Year 2021-2022
June 9, 2022: Message to the Extended CSU Community
June 2, 2022: Update on University summer operating hours, “Focused Fridays” and employee professional development leave
May 30, 2022: Remembering Rams on Memorial Day
May 6, 2022: Update on Colorado State University’s budget for FY23
May 5, 2022: Elevating Colorado State: Today is CSU’s annual Day of Giving
March 19, 2022: The Future of (Women’s) Work: how and why we must support women in the post-pandemic university (American Association of University Women of Colorado event keynote speech)
March 9, 2022: Colorado State University stands with the people of Ukraine
March 8, 2022 Women in Education: The Importance and Impact of Courageous, Strategic Transformation (International Council for Small Business (ICSB) Conference on Women in Education speech)
Feb. 21, 2022: CSU moving to voluntary antigen testing per COVID public health guidance
Feb. 21, 2022: With grief and gratitude: celebrating CSU’s own Mary Ontiveros
Feb. 17, 2022: Join President McConnell for an Introduction to Courageous Strategic Transformation
Feb. 15, 2022: Colorado State University Remembers Joe Blake
Feb. 10, 2022: Update to CSU mask requirement per CDC guidelines
Feb. 8, 2022: Sharing personal news with our community
Jan. 13, 2022: The March is far from over: Join us to celebrate Dr. MLK next Monday
Dec. 31, 2021: Please join me to help CSU community impacted by Boulder County fires
Dec. 30, 2021: Update on Covid booster requirement for Spring 2022
Nov. 23, 2021: Employee notes of gratitude
Nov. 15, 2021: “Tell Me More . . .” with Rams Read author Natasha Bowens Blair
Nov. 5, 2021: Join us in Celebrating Veterans’ Week November 6-13
Oct. 11, 2021: Celebrating Indigenous Peoples’ Day–and the Indigenous members of our community
Oct. 1, 2021: Personal news to share about positive COVID test
Sept. 30, 2021: Joyce McConnell welcomes Salazar Conference 2021 (video)
Sept. 16, 2021: You are valued, you are respected, and we want you here
Aug. 23, 2021: Welcome to our Fall 2021 semester!
Aug. 11, 2021: CSU announces new vaccine, screening and mask mandates for Fall 2021
Academic Year 2020-2021
June 17, 2021: Celebrating Juneteenth–a little early this year
May 25, 2021: We mourn today–and that can make a difference
May 6, 2021: CSU Day of Giving, May 6-7
April 28, 2021: Update re: the CSU System announcement today
April 20, 2021: Reflecting on the conviction of Derek Chauvin
April 19, 2021: Happy Earth Week 2021!
April 5, 2021: Latest CSU Employee Resources
March 29, 2021: A Message of Support for Our Community – Recent Tragedies
March 23, 2021: A Message of Support for Our Community – Boulder and Atlanta
March 22, 2021: Sending support to the people of Boulder
March 8, 2021: Celebrating the incredible women of CSU
Feb. 26, 2021: Announcing CSU’s pilot Leadership Fellows Program
Feb. 22, 2021: Meet CJ Mucklow of CSU Extension in my “Tell Me More” Presidential Conversation Series
Feb. 12, 2021: Join CSU in Fall 2021 for a healthy semester on campus
Feb. 1, 2021: Celebrating Black History Month this February
Jan. 26, 2021: Help CSU be recognized as an Age-Friendly University
Jan. 25, 2021: Sustainability at CSU
Jan. 18, 2021: Honoring the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., today
Jan. 6, 2021: Important message to the CSU Community
Dec. 11, 2020: Wishing you all light and cheer this Friday
Dec. 1, 2020: Today is Giving Tuesday: join me in supporting Rams Against Hunger
Nov. 26, 2020: Thank you all!
Nov. 23, 2020: President Joyce McConnell’s “Tell Me More” – Now Streaming
Nov. 18, 2020: CSU’s action plan in response to Husch Blackwell recommendations for Athletics
Nov. 11, 2020: Celebrate our Veterans today
Nov. 4, 2020: To the CSU Community following the 2020 Election: Take care of yourselves!
Oct. 19, 2020: Important message about CSU’s Diversity Symposium
Oct. 16, 2020: Rams take care of Rams through CSU Cares
Oct. 15, 2020: Election Day is November 3, 2020
Oct. 12, 2020: Recognizing Indigenous Peoples’ Day
Oct. 9, 2020: Cameron Peak Fire update
Oct.5. 2020: The first conversation in my “Tell Me More” Presidential Conversation Series
Sept. 29, 2020: Important COVID-19 quarantine and Town Hall updates
Sept. 28, 2020: Monday message from President McConnell
Sept. 24, 2020: IMPORTANT: Quarantine message has been sent to students in two CSU residence halls
Sept. 22, 2020: PLEASE READ: Important message for all CSU employees
Sept. 18, 2020: Important COVID message for all CSU students
Sept. 17, 2020: An update on our Return-to-Workplace Survey
Sept. 11, 2020: Remembering 9/11 today
Sept. 8, 2020: To our entire community: Stay home and take care of yourself when you’re sick!
Sept. 7, 2020: Cameron Peak Fire update
Sept. 4, 2020: Happy Labor Day Weekend!
Sept. 4, 2020: Labor Day Weekend message for all students from President McConnell
Aug. 21, 2020: New COVID resources for the CSU Community!
Aug. 20, 2020: Addressing COVID concerns as the Fall semester begins
Aug. 20, 2020: COVID Call to Action for CSU Students from President McConnell
Aug. 18, 2020: CSU Resident students: Get a free COVID-19 test to help us all stay on campus this Fall
Aug. 18, 2020: Cameron Peak Fire update
Aug. 11, 2020: Join me in celebrating research at CSU!
Aug. 7, 2020: Important CSU Athletics updates from President McConnell
Aug. 4, 2020: Important message regarding CSU Athletics
July 31, 2020: Welcome back to Fort Collins to our off-campus students!
July 31, 2020: Return-to-Workplace Survey
July 29, 2020: Important message for our community: CSU condemns racist Instagram post
July 27, 2020: COVID Updates from President McConnell: public school plans announced for Fall 2020
July 24, 2020: Announcing a new initiative for the CSU Community: Rams Read
July 21, 2020: Important updates from President Joyce McConnell
July 21, 2020: 10 Things for Students to Know about the Fall 2020 Semester at CSU
July 20, 2020: Important COVID preparations for Fall for CSU staff
July 14, 2020: Highlighting COVID research
July 8, 2020: CSU supports and values our international students
July 7, 2020: Presidential Task Force on Campus, Community and Personal Safety update
July 2, 2020: An update from President McConnell: CSU’s Presidential Task Force on Campus, Community, and Personal Safety
Academic Year 2019-2020
June 30, 2020: Budget Town Hall follow-up from President McConnell
June 26, 2020: Important message for the CSU Community – Law Enforcement
June 23, 2020: Please join us for Budget Town Hall conversations!
June 19, 2020: A Juneteenth Message from President McConnell
June 18. 2020: A response to the SCOTUS ruling on DACA
June 16, 2020: An update on national news from President McConnell
June 15, 2020: Monday message from President McConnell–COVID recovery site is live!
June 12, 2020: A Message from President McConnell, Athletics Director Joe Parker, & Head Football Coach Steve Addazio
June 11, 2020: Return-to-Work update from President McConnell
June 8, 2020: Important message for the CSU campus community
June 8, 2020: COVID Recovery Planning Next Steps from President Joyce McConnell
June 5, 2020: CSU Budget news and next steps from President Joyce McConnell
June 2, 2020: CSU unequivocally supports undocumented members of our community
May 29, 2020: CSU condemns Floyd killing, stands with community against hate and violence
May 29, 2020: Important news about Fall 2020 from President McConnell
May 25, 2020: Memorial Day message from President McConnell
May 21, 2020: Thursday evening message from President McConnell
May 18, 2020: Monday evening message from President McConnell
May 13, 2020: What’s Next? President McConnell answers COVID-19 recovery questions
May 11, 2020: Monday evening message from President McConnell
May 8, 2020: Weekend Greetings from President McConnell
May 6, 2020: Wednesday message from President McConnell
May 4, 2020: Tomorrow is Giving Tuesday Now!
May 4, 2020: Important Message for Students from President McConnell
May 1, 2020: Friday greetings from President McConnell
April 29, 2020: President Joyce McConnell outlines COVID-19 Recovery Plan
April 27, 2020: Monday evening message from President McConnell
April 24, 2020: An Earth Week Message from President Joyce McConnell
April 22, 2020: Important COVID-19 update regarding Colorado Safer-at-Home status
April 20, 2020: Monday message from President McConnell
April 17, 2020: Friday greetings from President McConnell
April 15, 2020: Wednesday evening message from President McConnell
April 14, 2020: Public Statement from Colorado State University
April 13, 2020: Monday greetings from President Joyce McConnell
April 10, 2020: Friday greetings from President McConnell
April 8, 2020: Wednesday night greetings from President McConnell
April 7, 2020: CSU leaders thank you all!
March 26, 2020: Thank you
March 19, 2020: President McConnell’s message regarding COVID-19
March 16, 2020: CSU moving to online instruction for the remainder of the Spring 2020 semester
March 13, 2020: Follow-up on COVID communications for CSU campus community
March 11, 2020: Important public health message to the CSU campus community
March 10, 2020: Spring break is coming!
March 5, 2020: Important message for the CSU campus community
March 4, 2020: This week’s news—fresh from the road!
March 2, 2020: Important public health updates for the CSU campus community
Feb. 25, 2020: Happy Leap Year!
Feb. 18, 2020: Our birthday is over–what’s next?
Feb. 10, 2020: Happy Monday!
Feb. 4, 2020: Happy Snowy Tuesday!
Jan. 28, 2020: Welcome Back to Campus!
Jan. 20, 2020: Martin Luther King Day remarks
Dec. 22, 2019: President McConnell’s 2019 Holiday Message
Dec. 19, 2019: President McConnell’s Fall Commencement Speech
Dec. 17, 2019: A Budget Update from President Joyce McConnell
Nov. 14, 2019: President McConnell’s Investiture Speech
Nov. 11, 2019: Veterans Day 2019
Nov. 7, 2019: A note of appreciation
Nov. 5, 2019: In Support of DACA
Oct. 21, 2019: Exciting News from President Joyce McConnell
Sept. 20, 2019: Important message for the CSU campus community
Sept. 19, 2019: President’s Fall Address to the University 2019
Sept. 13, 2019: To the CSU community
Sept. 10, 2019: Important message for the CSU campus community
Aug. 30, 2019: Important Labor Day message from President Joyce McConnell
Aug. 5, 2019: A message about last week’s tragic events
July 22, 2019: An important message for the CSU campus community
July 2, 2019: Hello from a brand-new Ram!
July 2, 2019: A Juneteenth Message from President McConnell