Days of Remembrance, April 4-11, 2021
During these annual Days of Holocaust Remembrance, Colorado State University joins our nation in remembering the victims of the Holocaust and honoring the survivors.
During World War II, the German government, led by Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party and their collaborators, carried out the systematic persecution and murder of 6 million European Jews. The Nazi regime also persecuted and murdered millions of other people they deemed politically, racially, or socially unfit. The survivors who lived and endured remind us to “never forget”.
We pay tribute to the recently departed Holocaust survivor Mr. Irving Roth, our past speaker at Colorado State University’s annual event hosted by Students for Holocaust Awareness Week for over 20 years (due to COVID this is the first time an event could not be hosted). Mr. Roth told us “You can always do something in the face of evil and you must”.
Sadly, the generation of Holocaust survivors is dwindling rapidly. We are the bearers of their legacy and during these days it is our opportunity to remember and perpetuate the memory of the Holocaust’s victims. Where the forces of darkness and evil wrought death and destruction on the world, we must strive to create the forces of light and kindness to bring our world into a new era of unity, love and peace.
On this day we reflect on CSU’s efforts for diversity and pledge to continue to be at the forefront of change, equity and justice for our entire community.
Presidential Task Force on Jewish Inclusion and the Prevention of Antisemitism,
Colorado State University