To our entire community: Stay home and take care of yourself when you’re sick!

September 8, 2020
Happy Tuesday, everyone,
I never tire of expressing gratitude to all of you, and this message is no exception. Thank you all for everything you did and are doing to help us successfully re-open CSU for in-person classes, labs and operations this fall. Literally thousands of people are getting up each morning and completing their symptom checkers, then abiding by what the results tell them to do, which includes staying home if they’re feeling ill.
What I’ve learned from conversations with our Pandemic Preparedness Team and our public health experts these past few weeks is some of our community members are not staying home when they feel ill, so I’m reiterating here: please, please, if you are experiencing any symptoms of illness, don’t come to campus.
I know that many of you are accustomed to “toughing out” a cold, sinus infection, migraine headache, or other illness. You worry about the work piling up if you’re not in class or in your office. You worry about letting your teachers or colleagues down. Trust me—I’ve worked and taught with a box of Kleenex at my elbow too! And I am so grateful to you for the commitment to CSU that drives you to put our community first. But this is a new situation and working or teaching or coming to class sick can no longer be an option. Please take care of yourself and stay home!
Students, if you have symptoms or need to miss class for illness, please contact your instructor or, if you need further assistance, the Department Chair. Instructors, flexible arrangements for your students who report feeling ill can help us ensure everyone feels comfortable coming to class in person. Also, please take care of yourselves and let your Chair know anytime you yourself feel ill for any reason. And to all our employees, your supervisor knows not to expect you to come to work when you feel ill. Contact your HR representative if you need assistance or advice about your personal situation.
Your health and the health of our whole community is truly our first priority, now as ever. Stay well, everyone.