An update on our Return-to-Workplace Survey
September 17, 2020
Dear CSU Colleagues,
As many of you will recall, in late July we invited you to participate in a Return-to-Workplace Survey. Thank you to the more than 3600 who participated!
When we administered this survey, I assured you all that your feedback on how you are feeling about the fall would be used to make specific, responsive decisions to help you all feel comfortable and excited about the coming semester, whatever your work environment. As I hope you’ve already experienced first-hand, we have put an incredible array of resources out since early August, from both electronic and live communications via our Town Halls to new policies and accommodation processes.
An overview of the university resources and decisions that have addressed concerns expressed in the survey can be found in the full survey report, available here. These include:
- Frequent COVID-specific messaging to all campus community members.
- A social norming campaign around COVID health precautions, focused on students. An example of the visuals of this campaign can be seen here.
- A comprehensive public-health precautions training for faculty and staff
- Graphic, easy to follow descriptions of specific COVID issues about which our respondents expressed anxiety, such as the contact tracing process and close contact criteria.
And while the survey responses were completely confidential, aggregated unit-specific data was shared with unit leaders and supervisors when it was clear that the data could help them address concerns that rose to the top for their employees.
To those of you who completed this survey, thank you again for your participation. And to all of you, please do keep your eyes open for future requests for your candid input, from me, Human Resources, or your unit leader. We do hope to capture some of your needs in upcoming survey efforts and to be both responsive and transparent in our follow-up, every time.