Presidential Task Force on Campus, Community and Personal Safety update
July 7, 2020
Dear CSU Community,
I hope you all had a wonderful long weekend, and that it did indeed feel like a long weekend even in these strange times. If I know anything for sure right now it is that each of you deserves time to rest, recharge, reconnect, and restore your energy and your spirit. Not only are we confronting extraordinary challenges together and in our own lives, we are all working incredibly hard every day on behalf of this extraordinary institution and wonderful community.
This evening I am delighted to follow up on my message to you from the end of last week, in which I announced the Chair and the Charge of CSU’s Presidential Task Force on Campus, Community and Personal Safety, and to share the membership of the Task Force.
The members of the CSU Presidential Task Force on Campus, Community, and Personal Safety are:
- Rico Munn, Superintendent of Aurora Public Schools (Chair)
- James Abraham, Radiation Safety Officer; Vice-Chair of Classified Staff Council,
- Marc Barker, Co-Chair of CSU Pandemic Preparedness Team; Director of Adult Learner and Veterans’ Services
- Yolanda Bevill, Vice President for University Communications
- Dwight Burke, Director of Support and Safety Assessment
- Craig Chesson, Associate Dean of Students
- Rickey Frierson, Director of Diversity and Inclusion, Warner College of Natural Resources
- Lindsay Mason, Director of Off-Campus Life
- Susana Munoz, Associate Professor of Education, RISE Co-Director
- Jeff Nowacki, Assistant Professor of Sociology
- Monica Rivera, Director of the Women’s and Gender Advocacy Center
- Mari Strombom, Executive Director of Housing and Dining Services
- Reid Trotter, Director of Counseling Services
- Prabha Unnithan, Professor of Sociology
In addition to the amazing faculty and staff who have agreed to serve on this important group, we invited several faculty members whose research, teaching and service obligations did not permit them to serve.
We have also invited representatives from both graduate and undergraduate student organizations to serve, because student voices will be critical to the work of the Task Force. We know that most of our students are not on campus or in classes right now; some who are with their families may not currently have access to email. We are excited to welcome our students to the Task Force whenever they are able to join, whether that is over the summer or when classes start this fall.
We will create a website for this group very soon on which we will post member bios, recommendations, resources, and other materials that the Task Force membership wishes to share with the CSU community as they engage in this important work. I am deeply grateful to all the members for their expertise, their energy, and their commitment.