Labor Day Weekend message for all students from President McConnell
September 4, 2020
Dear CSU Students,
You are all amazing, and we are so, so glad to have so many of you back in Fort Collins and back on campus. Just seeing you—on the Oval, heading to class with your backpack over one shoulder, or steering your bike around a corner downtown—brings a smile to my face.
I’m hiding that smile behind my CSU facemask of course, and so are all of you. Please know how proud I am of your commitment to keeping our entire community healthy by following public health precautions. You are setting a wonderful example for all of us.
And now you know what I’m going to ask of you: Please keep up your commitment and your wonderfully consistent practice of all precautions throughout the long Labor Day weekend.
You deserve a break and I hope you take one. Get outside and go for a hike, or just find a beautiful spot outdoors to sit and read. Sleep in, call your family, catch up with friends on social media. Get in some exercise, binge watch some episodes of a favorite show, grab a favorite snack. And of course, spend time with friends here in Fort Collins in small groups and following all the precautions you know so well.
We will get through these challenges, thanks in large part to all of you. Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend!