Important COVID-19 update regarding Colorado Safer-at-Home status
Dear CSU Community,
As many of you likely know, Governor Polis announced Monday that Colorado will shift from Stay-at-Home status to Safer-at-Home status effective Monday, April 27. The Governor’s Office has promised further clarification by the end of the week.
What does this mean for us?
According to the state’s definitions, under the new Safer-at-Home status, universities will remain closed. We remain committed to delivering all summer classes online and committed to protecting our university community according to public health guidelines. Our employees performing essential-in-person functions should continue to do so and will continue to be awarded differential pay for these duties. All other employees should continue to work from home.
I assure all of you that I am working with leadership across the university to develop a measured, phased, flexible plan for reopening as the national coronavirus situation unfolds. We will move forward with the best interests of our community in mind. And we know that this new statewide status raises more questions during this already uncertain time: How can I come back to work when my child’s school is still closed? What if I want to come back to work as soon as restrictions are relaxed? What about the fall semester—will we be able to come back in-person? When will we know?
We are working on answering those questions—and dozens more—and I will continue to share our process, our progress, and our answers with all of you as soon and as often as possible. I know you crave certainty, and I want to provide to you whatever certainty we can, recognizing that some uncertainty will persist given the nature and scope of this pandemic.
I also know that one of the reasons many of you seek answers is that you are proactive, energetic people and you want to get to work to help our community recover from this pandemic. I will be sharing a comprehensive plan for going forward very soon and will welcome your excellent ideas and solutions.
I continue to feel tremendous gratitude for all of you, for your resilience, your incredible work ethic, and your love for our community. Thank you.