Honoring the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., today
January 18, 2021
Dear CSU Community,
Today we celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and of the many others who have worked against racism and inequity and on behalf of justice and equality in America.
Traditionally, we have celebrated across the nation by coming together, whether for memorial events, marches, public speeches or lectures, or concerts. That we are not able to do that today feels particularly painful after a year where many of the issues that were most important to Dr. King are visibly dividing our country.
This year, the MLK event committee at CSU chose as their theme the question Dr. King asked in the title of his 1967 book: Where Do We Go from Here? To answer that question, Colorado State University has joined with the City of Fort Collins and an array of local and community organizations to offer a wide variety of innovative virtual and in-person events.
I encourage all of you to look at the complete list of events—and send the link to your families and friends. Some are happening today; others will continue throughout the week and beyond. I also urge you to take the time to watch the powerful 2021 Celebration Video that will be posted at noon today. My deepest thanks to the committee that put this incredible slate of events and tributes together, and to all those who contributed, both at CSU and in our local community.
I know that many of you live your lives guided by the words and wisdom of Dr. King. I hope that in the coming year, more of us commit to doing so. I also hope fervently that we can be together in-person soon, to stand shoulder-to-shoulder, to walk side by side, and to share—through the symbols of our joined hands and our blended voices—our commitment to achieving Dr. King’s vision for our communities, our country, and our future.