Hello from a brand-new Ram!
July 2, 2019
Dear Colleagues,
A friend asked me the other day, “How are you feeling about stepping into the Presidency of Colorado State University?” Of the many questions I’ve fielded over these last few weeks, that was the easiest to answer.
I feel incredibly grateful, and tremendously excited.
I am grateful to the Presidential Search Committee members who recommended me to the Board of Governors and to the Board members who expressed their confidence in my leadership by naming me your next President. I am grateful to the members of the CSU community who have reached out to welcome me. And I am grateful beyond words to Chancellor Tony Frank for the extraordinary legacy he leaves as he turns his full-time attention to his role with the CSU system. I will need to work hard to live up to the standard that Tony has set, but I am so thankful to him for setting that high standard, because it means that all of you know what great leadership looks like. Together, I am confident that we can continue to move CSU forward.
That is where my excitement takes over. I am excited at the thought of what it will mean for us to work together to fully realize our shared aspirations: for CSU as a land-grant institution, for our community as a welcoming place for diverse people and cultures, and for our state as a leader in sustainable, innovative initiatives.
As we head into a year in which we will celebrate CSU’s 150th birthday, I want to tell you all one more thing: being your President is a gift. You are all extraordinary. I have already seen first-hand countless examples of your energy, your compassion, and your generous engagement with our campus and our community. I look forward to getting to know you and to all the great things we are going to accomplish together.
Joyce McConnell
Colorado State University