CSU Day of Giving, May 6-7, 2021
May 6, 2021
Dear Colleagues,
Today is CSU’s 2021 Day of Giving and for me the name of this annual event feels more powerful than ever. Why? Because over the past year, our community has demonstrated an extraordinary capacity for giving—of our time, our energy, our talents, our resources, and our compassion for our fellow Rams.
So let me start this message exactly how I plan to end it: with an expression of gratitude. Thank you all so much for all that you give to CSU every single day, and this past year under unimaginably challenging circumstances.
And if you need reminding of how much our community matters, I urge you to watch the video for this year’s Day of Giving. I smiled when I saw the images of our beautiful campus and was dazzled by some of the research vividly on display. But do you know my favorite part of the video—just seeing the pounding feet of CSU students on a row of elliptical machines in the Rec Center, masked and distanced but still moving in unison toward their goals.
This year, you can support whatever fund you are most passionate about, from Rams Against Hunger to the CSU Libraries, to CAM himself. Whichever fund receives the most donations will get a challenge match! The direct link to the platform page is: https://giving.colostate.edu/dayofgiving/
Please join me in supporting the amazing community that has supported one another this past year. I hope as many of you who can give will give. Thank you for your generosity.