10 Things for Students to Know about the Fall 2020 Semester at CSU
July 21, 2020
Dear CSU Students,
I know I tell you all this every time I contact you when the university is not in session, but I’m going to tell you again because it is true: I miss you all! I hope you are all well and looking forward to classes at CSU starting again in just a few weeks now. I know that even during ordinary circumstances, the start of the semester often brings mingled feelings of excitement (about seeing old friends and meeting new ones, encountering inspiring professors, engaging with supportive staff) and anxiety (will my classes be hard, will I have so much coursework I’ll never even see my friends).
This semester, I also know that these normal mixed feelings are compounded for many of you with tremendous uncertainty about what the semester will look like and feel like, and with concern about just how CSU is addressing the imperative to keep all of you healthy as the COVID-19 pandemic continues. The good news for all of you is how much we’re doing, and how much we care—but I know that the sheer volume of information we have to share with you can be overwhelming. Today I’m pleased to share a clear update on what you can expect this Fall at CSU. This is a distillation of a much longer message that I recently sent to faculty and staff; you can read that in full here.
10 Things for CSU Students to Know about the Fall 2020 Semester
- MASKS WILL BE REQUIRED: Masks or face coverings will be required while in any university space or building -including outside and in classrooms. Students may remove their masks when in their assigned private room in university housing.
- EVERYONE WILL FOLLOW RECOMMENDED HEALTH PRECAUTIONS: Everyone at CSU, including students, will be required to follow state and county public health orders. That means:
- Wearing masks or other face coverings;
- Maintaining physical distancing of six feet from other individuals;
- Disinfecting study and work surfaces (desktops, tables, etc.) regularly and often;
- Staying home if you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms or believe you have been exposed to COVID-19;
- Never gathering in groups without public health precautions;
- Completing a daily symptom checker online (this can be done on your phone). All faculty and staff, including student employees, who report for work on a campus must fill out the current daily symptom checker. A student-specific daily symptom checker will be required for students before they come to a campus or leave their university housing room or apartment.
- WE WILL KEEP SIX FEET OF DISTANCE: Each classroom and lab has been audited and arranged to ensure six feet of distance. To accommodate this distancing, some classes will be in rooms where CSU hasn’t held classes before, like the ballrooms in the Lory Student Center.
- WE WILL OFFER THREE CLASS FORMATS: Classes will be in-person, online only, or a hybrid of in-person and online. About two-thirds of classes will have an in-person component.
- WE WILL MAINTAIN A REDUCED CAPACITY ON CAMPUS: To allow for physical distancing, there will be fewer people on campus each day. Many of our offices will be working remotely but will still be available to help students via phone, email, or virtual connections.
- WE WILL CONDUCT DAILY CLASSROOM CLEANING: CSU is cleaning and disinfecting classrooms, public restrooms, and high-touch areas every day.
- YOU WILL NEED TO CLEAN YOUR SPACE: You will be expected to clean your desk and chair or workspace before class or lab. Don’t worry, disinfectant and cleaning supplies will be available.
- YOU CAN REQUEST ACCOMMODATIONS: The Student Disability Center can help if you are not able to wear a mask for any health reason or if you need other learning or campus living accommodations. All you need to do is ask.
- WE WILL BE DOING BOTH TESTING AND CONTACT TRACING: COVID-19 testing and contact testing protocols will be in place. Housing & Dining Services also has plans in place to support and care for anyone living in campus housing who tests positive for COVID-19.
- WE WILL OFFER ALL COURSES ONLINE AFTER FALL BREAK: After Fall Break, all classes will be online. All university apartments and some residence halls will remain open for students who stay on campus.
This information and much more can be found at covidrecovery.colostate.edu; in my recent message to faculty and staff, and on the new and Fall Semester Preparations and Measures page.
You can also learn more from one of two COVID Recovery Town Halls being offered to our whole community this week. On Wednesday, panelists will include Dr Alan Rudolph, CSU’s Vice President for Research, who can answer testing questions specifically. And on Thursday, Dr Blanche Hughes, the Vice President for Student Affairs, will be on the panel to answer questions about student life plans. You can submit questions live during the Town Halls and also in advance here.
As always, we will continue to share new plans, protocols, and information with all of you just as soon as we have them. Keep checking our websites and reading your emails from CSU. And to all of you—enjoy these last few weeks of your summer, wherever you are and whatever you are doing. Stay well and healthy and know how much we all look forward to welcoming you back to campus in August.