Thank you!
March 26, 2020
Dear Staff and Colleagues,
You are amazing.
Our campus—and our nation—has experienced tremendous upheaval over the last few weeks as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Many of you have had to cancel planned trips for business or personal reasons, have canceled annual leave, and have worked long hours under tremendous pressure to accommodate changes in CSU’s Spring schedule and operations.
I am so grateful, and not just because in stepping up and giving even more of your talents and expertise to our community, you’ve helped us continue to educate thousands of students during this uncertain time.
I’m also grateful because in doing so, you’ve shown us all what perseverance and resilience look like, and you’ve re-affirmed for me that this institution is home to extraordinary people who are committed to making our world a better place.
Please take care of yourselves and of those close to you—and remember every day how valued you are by everyone in the CSU community.