June 2, 2020

Dear CSU Community,

This week you can expect to see several messages from me, because there is so much happening in our community, our state, and our nation that deeply affects us all. I am committed to keeping you all informed and also to communicating CSU’s unfailing support for everyone who is struggling with the enormity of all that is going on.

This morning, I’d like to address a national issue, specifically the fact that right now, many in our community wake up each morning wondering whether this will be the day the Supreme Court of the United States will issue its decision on whether the current administration can terminate Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. This program provides work permits and protection from deportation for close to 700,000 DACA recipients, including many CSU community members, some of whom may also be students who are part of Colorado’s ASSET (Advancing Students for a Stronger Tomorrow) program.

With the decision looming, I want to affirm to our whole community: no matter what the decision is, we are unequivocal in our commitment to all DACA and undocumented members of our community and to their families. Our undocumented and immigrant students and colleagues have always been and will continue to be valued members of our CSU community. We will continue to make sure they have our full support to pursue their academic endeavors: both mental and physical services and other resources to help facilitate their success.

To the DACA students and staff who anticipate being affected by the Court’s upcoming decision, know that you will have the support of our institution. Our DACA, ASSET, undocumented, and immigrant community members make us better and stronger, and we will continue to work to secure permanent relief for these aspiring Americans.

